Friday, April 15, 2011

The Seattle Times Articles on LJ - Series 6

Lauren Jackson 
Shootaround with Storm Power Forward/Center

Originally published August 16, 2010 at 6:59 PM | Page modified August 17, 2010 at 4:41 PM

Storm center Lauren Jackson talks about her team's recent losses, gives us an Aussie lesson and brags about her dog, William.

Today, Lauren Jackson talks with Seattle Times Sports Editor Don Shelton about four recent losses and brags about her dog, William.

Question: Since we talked last, you've lost four games. Does that worry you?

LJ: We went into the games recently on the road with a different mind-set, in terms of getting the starters some rest before the playoff run begins. As a competitor, it never sits well losing to anyone regardless of the situation, so the flights and the locker-room experience definitely wasn't what I would refer to as optimum. However, we have three big games coming up, and the girls and myself are looking to get back to form very quickly. ... I have a very good feeling about this season and my teammates. We know what we are up against and we are ready to battle!

Q: Are you and the Storm into practical jokes? Whose the best practical jokester on the team and what's the best one anyone's ever pulled?

LJ: Um, some of the girls are practical jokers, Sue (Bird), in particular, has a fun-loving spirit, so there are always jokes and laughter bellowing somewhere in the Storm camp. Adia Barnes (ex-teammate who does the radio broadcast) carries a camera around with her on the road and manages to film people sleeping awkwardly on airplanes, which I personally think is quite cruel but as long as it's not me, I will have a giggle. ... Shadyyyyy!

Q: What's the coolest Aussie animal?

LJ: My dog, William. He's a pit bull-staffi cross. He's a beautiful, beautiful boy. And I miss him. He's an athlete. He can jump. He's very magical. Houdini we call him. He goes to kennels when my mom and dad have to go on trips, but he gets over their three-meter fences. He'll come to their front door and sit there and go, "Ha! Ha! I tricked you! I'm here!"

Q: I don't want to brag, but my two Beagles aren't too shabby either. Willie can shake hands, roll over and tap my beer glass three times for a drink. What's the best trick William knows? Who wins smartest dog competition, Willie or William?

LJ: William is flat-out the smartest dog around. When he isn't being paid attention he starts doing tricks so we notice him. His favorite trick is called "Slithery" or "Snakey," and basically what he does is snake across the floor with his back legs flat on the ground, and he crawls on his front legs. It's an on-demand trick now and it is so cute! Ohhh, I miss my baby!

Q: What are three Aussie words an American wouldn't understand — and can you toss in a favorite Aussie curse word I can put in the newspaper?

LJ: Dunny — toilet. Cobber — mate. "How you doin', cobber?" My grandfather calls my brother that all the time. Grog, as in alcohol. And bugger. I always say bugger.

Q: Now can you use all four in a sentence involving you and Sue Bird?

LJ: (Laughs). OK, let me give it a shot. "Sue, me cobber, and I went out for some grog last night, I went to the dunny and dropped me mobile in the loo and all I could say was bugger!" Not very intelligent or witty, but I got it done!

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